Current Projects
The Connecticut Brownfields Initiative – content coming soon, here is an article about it
Collaborative Research: Toward unified model for ferrihydrite behavior in the environment: a multipronged investigation of surface structure and reactivity, funded by the National Science Foundation
A bottom-up approach to design of chemical soil stabilization using thermodynamic modeling, funded by the National Science Foundation
Past Projects
Spectroscopic and computational investigation of hexavalent chromium complexation on mineral surfaces funded by the Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship program
Evaluating Applications of Field Spectroscopy Devices to Fingerprint Commonly Used Construction Materials, funded by the Strategic Highway Research Program
Sustainable erosion control in developing countries using industrial by-products, funded by the Environmental Protection Agency
Reversing Urban Sprawl: A Reclaimability Index Approach for Reviving Downtown Brownfields, funded by the Uconn Center for Transportation and Livable Systems and the CT Department of Economic and Community Development
Investigation of Cr and S speciation in Cr-contaminated soils treated with calcium polysulfide, at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource and the Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Strengthening and modeling of earth embankments under high loads, funded by the Department of Homeland Security
Fate and transport of iron nanoparticles in Cr-contaminated soil, funded by the UConn Research Foundation
Column studies for treatment optimization at National Chromium, funded by National Chromium Inc.
Lafarge-Dominion Portland Cement–Fly Ash–Dredged Material blend evaluation, funded by Lafarge and Dominion Power.
Investigation of Cr(VI) speciation in Chromite Ore Processing Residue via micro-XANES, micro-XRF and micro-XRD analyses”, funded by the Uconn Research Foundation.
Soil-cement blending study, Greenport, NY, funded by Schnabel Engineering.
Cr-treatability study at the National Chromium Facility, funded by National Chromium Inc.
Analysis of Al-rich powders for reuse in the cement industry, funded by Lafarge.
Analysis of soil-cement blending samples, funded by Lafarge.